How to send group messages on Telegram? The role of global social software targeted detection!

In today's digital social era, Telegram's group messaging function has become a popular choice for reaching target users efficiently. However, in the face of a huge user group, how to accurately screen target users and improve the message reach rate has become a key issue. Through targeted detection of global social software and combined with the digital planet screening and detection platform, you can greatly improve the accuracy and efficiency of marketing.

How to send group messages on Telegram

Create user list

Identify target users. Define clear target user profiles based on your marketing needs, such as segmenting users by interests, geography, or industry.

Obtain data using directional detection tools. With the targeted detection function of global social software , you can quickly find qualified target users.

Organize user list. Organize the filtered user information into a standardized contact form for subsequent operations.

Prepare content for mass distribution

Customized messages. Make sure your message content is attractive to your target audience while avoiding overly general content.

Contains action guidance. Group messages should contain clear action guidance, such as accessing links, participating in activities, etc.

Test message effects. Before officially sending the message, you can test the message on a small scale and then send it to a large scale after optimization.

Operating mass messaging tools

Choose a reliable mass messaging tool. Based on your sending needs, choose a tool that supports batch import of user lists.

Set sending parameters. Control the single sending volume and sending interval to avoid being restricted by Telegram due to too high frequency.

Monitor delivery. Through the feedback data of the tool, you can understand the message delivery rate and user interaction in real time.

The role of global social software targeted detection

Efficiently locate target users

Through global social software targeted detection , qualified users can be easily located. Whether based on location, language preference or industry sector, targeting detection quickly generates matching user data.

Improve reach

Compared with random sending, target user data that has undergone targeted detection significantly improves the relevance and acceptance of messages, thus improving the reach rate and interaction effect.

Reduce resource waste

Targeted detection of global social software can effectively filter out invalid users, such as long-term inactive or fake accounts, ensuring that your marketing resources are maximized.

The value of digital planet screening and testing platform

Precise data screening <br>Through Digital Planet, you can quickly screen out highly active target users to ensure data quality.

Empty number filtering function <br>Before sending messages, the platform can detect and filter out invalid numbers or accounts to avoid wasting resources.

Dynamic data update <br>The platform supports regular updating of user data to ensure that the sending objects are always the latest valid users.

Multi-dimensional analysis <br>Digital Planet can analyze data based on user interests, behavior trajectories and other dimensions to help formulate more targeted marketing strategies.

Optimization suggestions: How to improve the effect of Telegram group messaging

Leverage data insights. Through the global social software targeted detection and digital planet screening and detection platforms, we can gain an in-depth understanding of the preferences and behaviors of target users.

Continuous testing and optimization. Regularly optimize mass sending content and strategies, and adjust details based on send feedback.

Send in layers. Carry out hierarchical management of user data and send messages in sequence according to priority to improve the overall conversion rate.

Multi-channel integration. Combine Telegram group messaging with marketing on other social platforms to expand your influence.


Through the combination of Telegram group messaging and global social software targeted detection , you can greatly improve the reach rate and marketing effect of target users. The Digital Planet screening and testing platform provides you with a one-stop solution from data screening to optimization management, making your social marketing more efficient and accurate.

Digital Planet is the world's leading number screening platform, which combines global mobile phone number segment selection, number generation, duplication removal, comparison and other functions . It provides bulk number screening and detection services to global customers supporting 236 countries and currently supports more than 40 social media and applications such as:

whatsapp/line, twitter, facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Viber, zalo, binance, signal, skype, DISCORD, Amazon, Microsoft, Truemoney, Snapchat, kakao, W ish, GoogleVoice, Botim, MoMo, TikTok, GCash, Fantuan, Airbnb, Cash, VKontakte, Band, Mint, Paytm, VNPay, Moj, DHL, Okx, MasterCard, ICICBank, Byb, etc.

The platform has multiple functions, including activation screening, active screening, interactive screening, gender screening, avatar screening, age screening, online screening, precise screening, duration screening, power-on screening, empty number screening, mobile device screening, etc.

The platform provides self-screening mode, generation screening mode, fine screening mode and customized mode to meet the needs of different users.

Its advantage lies in integrating major social networking and applications around the world, providing one-stop, real-time and efficient number screening services to help you achieve global digital development.

You can get more information on the official channel and verify the identity of the business personnel through the official website. Official business telegram: @uf876

(Warm reminder: When searching for the official customer service number on Telegram, be sure to look for the username uf876 ). You can also check with the official website personnel: to confirm whether the business you are contacting is Planet. official

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